Factory – Deconstruction Site
I’ve been living next door to an old soap factory. As soon as the factory lost its economic value as a production site it was clear it would be demolished. At the same time some people demanded it to be saved as historically/culturally significant.
By the time building becomes worth saving, it’s concrete meaning is lost/forgotten, it is transforming into an aesthetic object. While the building is under deconstruction, what remains are the abstract details without information/knowledge of their actual context.

2008, pigment prints.
Factory – Deconstruction Site
I’ve been living next door to an old soap factory. As soon as the factory lost its economic value as a production site it was clear it would be demolished. At the same time some people demanded it to be saved as historically/culturally significant.
By the time building becomes worth saving, it’s concrete meaning is lost/forgotten, it is transforming into an aesthetic object. While the building is under deconstruction, what remains are the abstract details without information/knowledge of their actual context.
Demolition is the opposite of construction: the tearing-down of buildings and other structures. It contrasts with deconstruction, which is the taking down of a building while carefully preserving valuable elements for re-use.
…entropy is a measure of the uncertainty… entropy is a measure of the average information content one is missing when one does not know… entropy is the measure of the amount of information that is missing before reception…
entropy can refer to the decomposition of social structure or of the disappearance of social distinctions… energy consumed by a social organization is spent to maintain its structure… through legal institutions, education…
Anarchy is the maximum state of social entropy… as creative intelligence becomes more powerful, society’s cohesion becomes weaker